The hardware is configured simply and the Chinese soft panel is friendly. The virtual instrument not only has the function of a signal analysis instrument, but also can realize the measurement of signal's frequency, period, pulse width, rise time and fall time. 该虚拟仪器硬件配置简单,汉化软面板界面友好,不仅实现了一台信号分析仪器的功能,而且还可以实现对信号的频率、周期、脉宽、上升和下降时间的测量。
When the voltage and pulse number were given, change the pulse fall time is no use of the sterilization rate. 而当给定电压和脉冲个数时,改变脉冲的下降时间则对于杀菌率的影响变化不大。
When given certain voltage and pulse fall time, the sterilization become larger with the increase of the number of pulses at first, when the pulse number reaches a certain level, the sterilization rates were stable. 在电压一定,脉冲下降时间一定的情况下,杀菌率先是随着脉冲个数的增多而提升,当脉冲个数达到一定程度时,杀菌率趋于稳定。